Summer Language Courses

At Spanish in the World, we never forget that we're a summer camp and that our young participants want to have fun during their school break!

Course materials, content and methodology look to achieve the perfect blend of learning and having fun to ensure that our summer program participants make the very most of their time with us.

Our camps offer summer classes in the following languages:

Summer Language Course Details

On the very first day, students will take a placement test to determine which of the seven levels, ranging from beginner to advanced, of their chosen language they belong in. Language classes are grouped both by age and by test results

All of our language teachers are carefully chosen individuals, as we understand that the success of each camp participants depends both on the motivation of the student and the teachers who make learning appealing and share their knowledge. Our teaching staff, 90% of which are native speakers, are licensed in Spanish or English and have the Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude (CAP).

An academic kit will be issued to each student on the first day of their language class. Kit materials are specially designed for each age group as well as for each level of linguistic competence. These materials, complemented by other tools, are wonderful aids that further facilitate comprehension and learning.

We center our teaching system on a communicative approach, which is an effective technique proven to both motivate and engage students. We employ a diverse array of didactic methods and cover all aspects of the language: speaking & listening, reading and writing, grammar and vocabulary, etc.

At the end of the language course, the teacher will provide the student with a report card detailing his or her improvements.

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